From humble beginnings in 1897 Germany, Caritas, named after a Latin word meaning love and compassion, grew to become one of the world’s largest humanitarian agencies. The Catholic Agency for Aid and Development, Caritas began in Australia in 1964. And many people, then and now, feel that supporting Caritas is a great way to reach out to people in need.

Caritas Kiyinda – Mityana is the social services department of the Catholic Diocese of Kiyinda – Mityana, Uganda. The organisation implements a number of programs focusing on; Social protection, Agriculture and Livelihood, Empowering communities with affordable credit facilities Health, Human Rights and Good Governance, and Capacity Building. It covers a Geographical area comprising of the Districts of Mityana, Mubende, Kassanda, Kiboga, Kyankwanzi and Gomba with 30 Ecclesial Parishes, 654 Sub Parishes (Ebisomesa) and a population estimated to be slightly above 1.5 million people, 38% being Catholics. The department, has endeavoured to provide different services to God’s people regardless of the religious, gender, political or tribal affiliations.

In particular, through its social service department, Kiyinda Mityana Diocese seeks to reach out to the poor of the poor, vulnerable groups, and those that the society has generally discarded. Significant gains have been realised from the services offered. However, the area served by the Diocese still experiences serious social and economic problems that include; high rate of orphanage, school dropout, teenage pregnancies, delinquency, poor sanitation, poor health conditions, low agricultural productivity, violence against children and women, inadequate support to marginalized groups such as women and PWDs, environmental degradation, and generally, high poverty levels.

Message from Director


You are most welcome to the Website of Caritas Kiyinda Mityana the social services arm of Kiyinda Mityana Diocese. Ours is a faith-based organization offering social services and working for integral development of all God’s people in the civil Districts that cover Kiyinda Mityana Diocese.
It seeks to help those in need especially the marginalized and those on the peripheral of society; the orphans, people with disabilities, single mothers, child headed families, the elderly and widows. Caritas Kiyinda Mityana focuses among other things on; education, primary health care, food security, water and financial security among different households. We strive to promote development through modern sustainable agriculture and wise saving and investment.
Of equally greater importance is the protection and preservation of our environment for present and future posterity through effective use of natural resources and tree planting. Trusting in God and basing on the goodness of people and their noble inclination to help others, Caritas Kiyinda Mityana desires to follow the example of Jesus Christ in liberating the human being integrally and making God’s image shine in the face of every human being. We cherish a number of values that govern our ethic of being; among them righteousness, teamwork, transparency, accountability, partnership, integrity, commitment to work and industriousness, good governance, participation, flexibility, approachability, inventiveness, creativity a healthy progressiveness and greatest of all, the love of God and neighbour. Therefore, we act with the sole purpose of promoting the well being of every person created in the image and likeness of God by seeking to restore his or her dignity so that he or she may have the capacity to take charge of his or her destiny. This is steered by the biblical teaching: “Rise, Pick up your Mat and Go (Mk 2:11)” Towards Integral Sustainability.
We are so grateful to our partners (donors/funders), parishes, well-wishers and supporters for their endless effort in providing financial and logistical support to the people of Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese. We are, therefore, honored and privileged to serve all God’s people in those different capacities. We invite you to first and foremost pray for the success of our work. Secondly, should you feel inspired to reach out, we would appreciate and welcome any kind of assistance offered so that we can carry on effectively this noble duty of service with love.


Wheels of Change: Providing Hope with Donated Wheelchairs

Empowering Women: Launching Small Businesses One Step at a Time

Manure distribution and banana gardens

Health, HIV/ AIDS & Water, Hygiene and Sanitation

Thematic Areas

Vulnerable and Marginalised Groups

Caritas K-MD has always served the most vulnerable in society and will continue to do so as to complement SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10.

Livelihoods Objectives

  • Improved food security & nutrition among targeted households in KMD
  • Increased incomes and investments among the targeted poor and vulnerable households

Agriculture and Livelihoods

Livelihoods is a thematic area in Kiyinda – Mityana Diocese and has several programs.



1.The Pit Latrine Project

Our long time service

Seeking to reach out to the poor of the poor, vulnerable groups, and those that the society has generally discarded.


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