Social Protection for Vulnerable and Marginalised Groups

Caritas K-MD has always served the most vulnerable in society and will continue to do so as to complement SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10.

In particular, Caritas works with persons with disabilities (PWDs), orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and the elderly to help empower them meet their basic needs in difficult surroundings. Active citizen participation especially by marginalized groups or persons is an important ingredient in the fight against poverty and other related challenges.

Two programs (Horizont3000 Program and the OVC Care Project) are currently running under this thematic area.


  1. Increased school enrolment, retention and completion for OVC/CWDs
  2. Increased income for vulnerable families.
  3. Increased number of meals taken per day by OVC and PWDs households.
  4. Reduced number of child abuse and domestic violence cases.
  5. Increased access to essential health services for CWDs/ PWDs, OVC and their households.

The Horizont3000 Program is implemented in Kassanda district in the sub counties of; Bukuya, Kassanda and Kalwana while the OVC care Project is implemented in Mityana and Gomba districts.

A total of 2,045 children (1,799 OVC and 246 CWDs) have been enrolled in school through the two programs so as to acquire formal education. Of the total, 1,097 are girls and 948 are boys. The department pays tuition/fees for the enrolled children, gives them scholastic materials including; uniforms, books, pens, pencils, rules and sanitary pads for the girl child on a termly basis. Out of the 2,045 sponsored children, 1,911 have been able to complete a given level of education i.e., Primary (1,009), “O” Level (762), “A” Level (107) and Tertiary (33).

Besides formal education, the department has supported 244 children (153 OVC and 91 CWDs) to attend informal/vocational education. These include 154 girls and 90 boys who have been enrolled on a course of their choice ranging from; tailoring, hair dressing, computer studies, motor vehicle repairs among other disciplines. All the 244 children have been given start-up kits upon completion including; sewing machines, saloon equipment, tool boxes among others. The finalists are now gainfully employed.